Conference Aim and Scope

The way in which IT resources and services are being provisioned is currently in flux. Advances in distributed systems technology have allowed for the provisioning of services on an unprecedented scale and with increasing flexibility. At the same time, business and academia have started to embrace a model wherein third-party services that can be acquired with minimal service provider interaction, replace or complement those that are managed internally. Organizations have only started to grasp the economic implications of this evolution.

As a global market for infrastructure, platform and software services emerges, the need to understand and deal with these implications is quickly growing. In addition, a multitude of new challenges arise. These are inherently multidisciplinary and relate to aspects such as the operation and structure of the service market, the alignment of cost, revenue and quality-related objectives when taking on a service consumer or provider role, and the creation of innovative business models and value chains. These challenges emerge in other service domains as well, for example in the coordinated operation of the next generation electricity grids that are characterized by distributed generation facilities and new consumption patterns.

GECON invites researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss economics-related issues and solutions associated with these developments and challenges. Contributed work can comprise extensions to existing technologies, successful deployments of technologies, economic analysis, and theoretical concepts. The purpose of this event is to gather original work and build a strong multidisciplinary community in this increasingly important area of a future information economy.

The GECON 2013 call for papers can be found here.



Economic Analysis of Smart City Solutions

Elisa Martin Garijo

Elisa is the IBM Chief Technology Officer for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel, a distinguished engineer, and a member of the leadership team of the IBM Academy of Technology. In her chief technology officer role, Elisa is working on the economic analysis of smart city solutions, a topic she will present a keynote on at GECON.


Sustainable communities: networks, clouds and markets

Leandro Navarro

Leandro Navarro is associate professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He is interested in Internet scale systems, networked distributed systems, collaborative systems, scalable Internet services, economics-based algorithms and systems applied to grids and peer-to-peer. He coordinates the Distributed Systems research group at UPC. In terms of large research projects, he coordinates the FIRE EU Large-scale integrating project (IP) CONFINE on "Community Networks Testbed for the Future Internet" (2011-2015, and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing EMJD-DC (2011-2018, He was involved in the past in research projects around Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: Grid4All, SORMA, Catnets, Catnet. He has a fascination with ideas such as decentralisation, scalability, collective behaviour and emergence.


Proceedings and Previous Editions

The 10th anniversary edition of GECON follows the very successful past GECON conferences, where high-quality technical papers have been presented.

As in the previous conferences,

  • Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings that are published by Springer LNCS
  • Extended versions of up to 10 of accepted GECON papers will be invited to get published by Elsevier in a special issue on the Economics of Computing Systems of the Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems.
  • This year, for papers targeting pure business and economic aspects within the conference, a special issue of the Springer Electronic Markets journal is intended for up-to-5 papers.

Visit the submission page for more information on the publication and reviewing process.



The GECON 2013  Conference will take place at the Paraninfo Building  of the University of Zaragoza, located at Plaza Pariso, 4, in the very city center. A map with the location of the Paraninfo Building can be consulted here.    More...





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